Our commitments
Our commitments...
Why we collect your personal data ?
We all ask the question : What is the use ?
Well, concretely, when you make a booking, we establish a contract. A contract, in juridical terms needs the collect of this personal data, in order to treat at best your reservation. It’s the same when you want to contact us, in order to give you the best responses, we need to collect your personal data.
To follow up on the data protection law n°78-17, now, we respect the European regulation on the data protection (RGPD), which lets you the right of access, right of portability (But who collect my data ? and where they are stored ?) right to oblivion (Yes, like everyone, you don’t like to know that your personal data are stored everywhere, so we can forget you, if you ask.) And this law gives you a strengthened protection for the minor before 15 years.
Who keeps my data ?
Ourselves. And our providers concerned by the management of the booking or by the providing of benefits (especially the online booking platform, the execution and the follow-up of booking contract (pre-reservation, information communication, billing and payment) and the follow-up customer relationship. (Reclamation management, prospection, promotion, commercial statistiques, and satisfaction survey).
Don’t worry, we don’t give, or sell your data at anyone else. We collect your data, of course, but we respect them.
We collect, of course, just the necessary data for the good treatment of your demands or your contract. (Non, we will don’t ask you how many slice of pie have you eated when you have visited your grandma, last Sunday, Even though, it will be a pleasure to discuss about that with you, it must be said, we don’t needs this information for your booking)
During how many time we keep your data?
We keep your personal data 3 years, you will receive a e-mail which stipulate that we always have your data, and we will ask you the autorisation to keep them, in order to continue to send you our news. (Because, we had take good times together, don’t forget that !) However, if you don’t want to let us your informations (we will not be offended don’t worry) we can delete them and respect your oblivion right's.
Except ofr this reasons, we don’t keep your data for another utilisation, we don’t have plan to visit you don't worry, except if you invit us….
How can you consult your data ?
We maintain a treatment register in order to honor your right of access at your personal data. So if you want to consult it, make some modification, or delete you’re data, you just need to send us a e-mail at contact@campingdelageres.com, or a courier at the website manager at this address : Camping de la Gères – 10 rue de la Gères – 17700 Surgères, and we will treat your ask as soon as possible.